Chef Works Corporate Responsibility

Chef Works Global Sourcing Policy

Chef Works cares about how our products are manufactured and has made a commitment to make responsible sourcing decisions. We are bound not only by the laws of the countries in which we conduct business, but also have a concern for ethical and responsible treatment for all those involved and who help to bring our designs to life. We accomplish this by requiring that all contractors, sub contractors and suppliers (hereafter referred to “Manufacturing Partners”) adhere to the Chef Works Code of Conduct. This is a multi-tier system that encompasses all facets of work life. Compliance with the Chef Works Code of Conduct is monitored and remedial action is taken in the event that Manufacturing Partners are not performing in an appropriate manner.


Chef Works Code of Conduct


Fair Treatment

  • Harassment and Abuse: Manufacturing Partners must be committed to a workplace free of harassment. Manufacturing Partners shall not threaten employees with or subject them to harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental coercion, physical coercion, verbal abuse or unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting company provided facilities.
  • Child Labor: Chef Works recognizes and adheres to the ILO Minimum Age convention. The minimum age is 15 years of age or the age for completing compulsory education in the country, whichever is higher. Children under age 15 may perform light labor consistent with Article 7 of the ILO Minimum Age Convention.
  • Involuntary Labor: Manufacturing Partners will not use any forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise. All work must be voluntary and employees shall be able to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice.
  • Hours of Work and Overtime: While we understand the need for flexibility in scheduling hours of work, work weeks should regularly total less than 60 hours, including overtime. Employees shall be allowed at least a full 24 hour rest period after every six consecutive days worked.
  • Wages and Benefits: Manufacturing Partners must pay at least the minimum wage required by applicable law and provide all legally required benefits.
  • Freedom of Association: Manufacturing Partners shall respect the rights of employees to associate, organize and bargain collectively.
  • Occupational Health and Safety: Manufacturing Partners shall provide employees with a safe workplace in compliance with applicable laws. Workplace should have adequate lighting, fire safety and ventilation. Employees shall have access to potable water and sanitary facilities. These safety standards must also apply to any and all housing provided to employees by Manufacturing Partners.


  • Manufacturing Partners shall be respectful of the environment and all natural resources and be in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.


  • Manufacturing Partners are expected to protect Chef Works commercial interests and brand and corporate image. This includes a requirement in which no conduct of business shall occur in countries prohibited by U.S. laws.


  • Manufacturing Partners are expected to have an adequate management system in place to ensure compliance with the Chef Works Code of Conduct, all applicable laws and regulations and to provide a safe, comfortable work environment for all employees.


  • Manufacturing Partners shall ensure that the provisions of the Chef Works Code of Conduct are communicated to all employees. This may include posting, in the local language, in a prominent location within the factory.


  • Manufacturing Partners shall have systems in place to adequately protect all intellectual property. This includes, but is not limited to, customer information, technical design specifications and processes.


  • Manufacturing Partner Annual Certification Requirement: All Manufacturing Partners shall complete an annual certification with a signed sworn affidavit to demonstrate compliance with the Chef Works Code of Conduct. Manufacturing Partners must authorize Chef Works and/or our agents to monitor compliance. This may include unannounced on-site inspections, reviews of employment and financial records and private interviews with employees. Manufacturing Partners must maintain all associated documentation on site for easy review.Each Manufacturing Partner will be inspected, at a minimum of every two years, by an independent accredited inspection company.Manufacturing Partners are expected to comply with all tenets of the CW Code of Conduct. If deficiencies are found, prompt remedial action must be taken on the part of the Manufacturing Partner, or Chef Works may cease to do business with the organization.